====== Custom Collection tab title and info====== Edit ''CollectionClass.inc'' in islandora module and change '''#title''' value: function showFieldSets($page_number) { module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'api/fedora_item'); global $base_url; $tabset = array(); global $user; $objectHelper = new ObjectHelper(); $item = new Fedora_Item($this->pid); $query = NULL; if ($item->exists() && array_key_exists('QUERY', $item->datastreams)) { $query = $item->get_datastream_dissemination('QUERY'); } $results = $this->getRelatedItems($this->pid, $query); Tip $colleinfo = NULL; if ($item->exists() && array_key_exists('INFO', $item->datastreams)) { $colleinfo = $item->get_datastream_dissemination('INFO'); } $collection_items = $this->renderCollection($results, $this->pid, NULL, NULL, $page_number); $collection_item = new Fedora_Item($this->pid); // Check the form post to see if we are in the middle of an ingest operation. $show_ingest_tab = (!empty($_POST['form_id']) && $_POST['form_id'] == 'fedora_repository_ingest_form'); $add_to_collection = $this->getIngestInterface(); $view_selected = true; $coll_selected = false; $qstring = $_GET['q']; $qparts = explode('/', $qstring); $tail = end($qparts); if ($tail == 'info') { $view_selected = false; $coll_selected = true; } drupal_set_message(); $tabset['1'] = array('#type' => 'tabpage', '#title' => $collection_item->objectProfile->objLabel, '#selected' => $view_selected, '#content' => $collection_items, '#weight' => '1'); if ($colleinfo != NULL) { $tabset['2'] = array('#type' => 'tabpage', '#title' => 'Collection info', '#selected' => $coll_selected, '#content' => $colleinfo, '#weight' => '2'); } // $tabset['add_tab'] = array( // #type and #title are the minimum requirements. // '#type' => 'tabpage', // '#title' => t('Add'), // '#selected' => $show_ingest_tab, // This will be the content of the tab. // '#content' => $add_to_collection, // ); // $tabset['add_collection_tab'] = array( // #type and #title are the minimum requirements. // '#type' => 'tabpage', // '#title' => t('Add Child Collection'), // This will be the content of the tab. // '#content' => drupal_get_form('collection_creation_form', $this->pid), // ); return $tabset; }